Spit 2 Da Beat Podcast

Arrington Foster in the Limelight His Story Behind the Scenes

Stacey Be Unstoppable Puryear Season 1 Episode 45

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Step into the spotlight with Arrington Foster, the man who brings Rio Duncan to life in "The Family Business," as he recounts the twists and turns of his acting odyssey. From his roots in Maryland to the glitz of Hollywood, Arrington lays bare the challenges and triumphs that have marked his journey, especially during the unforeseen hurdles posed by a global pandemic. As we navigate through his story, you'll find yourself rooting for him, celebrating the show's ascent to Netflix, and feeling the warmth of a fandom that's as vibrant as it is devoted. With season five on the horizon and an award shining on his mantle, Arrington's candid revelations are a must-hear for anyone drawn to the magnetic pull of the screen.

Hear how a chance encounter at Zen Lounge can alter the course of a career, underscoring the unpredictable nature of the entertainment industry. Arrington's cross-country leap for the dream of acting sheds light on the value of self-confidence and the cushioning effect of positive relationships in an often unforgiving business. As we tease the future of Rio Duncan and stoke anticipation for the new season, we also cast a wider net to Arrington's ambitions beyond the Duncan family saga. Whether you're an actor with stars in your eyes or simply a fan of riveting storytelling, this conversation with Arrington Foster offers a backstage pass to the trials, errors, and ultimate triumphs of a life in front of the camera.

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Speaker 2:

Look here and welcome to spit to the beat podcast. I'm your host. They say AKA, be unstoppable per year and today we are virtually live in the studio. Look, we are live on Facebook right now. Stacy be unstoppable per year. Stacy, spit to the beat per year. Also, go on my YouTube channel at spit to the beat. Login, subscribe, like and hit that notification bell. Look, I got a very special guest in the studio with me virtually and I'm super excited to have him and honored to have him as a guest in 2024 on spit to the beat podcast. Look, you are joining me live right now on Facebook or go to my YouTube channel. Login and you can definitely watch this broadcast as we speak. Login at YouTube spit to the beat. Don't forget to subscribe, like and hit that notification bill. Look, thank you for.

Speaker 2:

Hey, we are in the year 2024. I want to talk to you just for a second before I bring my guests on. Look, I need your support if you'd like to be a sponsor. I would love for you to be a sponsor and a supporter of my podcast as I continue to grow and be consistent as I am. Now go to my website at wwwspit the number two, d, a, b, a, t dot com and hit that support tab and become a supporter for the year 2024, or you can also cash out me anytime, or a dollar sign. Stacy, it's TAC E Y per your P U R Y E? A? R. Give me a call if you need to, and 901-341-6777. And now, without further ado, I just met this gentleman. We're going to get into the conversation. I don't want to take everything away from what we're going to talk about today, so joining me without further ado is Mr Aaron Foster. How you doing, sir?

Speaker 1:

I'm good, I'm good, arrington, there you go.

Speaker 2:

Arrington Foster how you doing Good. He's great man, he's in California, it's a nice weather, why we here in Memphis freezing.

Speaker 1:

It's very sunny and warm out here. I'm very, very warm, as they always did in California.

Speaker 2:

How you join your stay out there.

Speaker 1:

It's beautiful. We're currently in production for season five. We're almost there. We're almost wrapped up. So you guys just hold on tight, be on. The lookout is coming back.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay, look that, jump right into it. Tell my audience a little bit about yourself. I know about you as much as far as watching you on BET, but can you give us a little background about who you are?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I'm from Maryland, originally PG County DMV, what's up, and you know, just a kid that had big dreams. I always had support from my family, whether it came to performing in the arts as a kid. And you know, after college I decided I wanted to try this thing called the film and TV business, so I packed up my stuff and I went to Los Angeles in 2015. It's been about almost six. Well, yeah, we're, we're coming on eight years, almost nine, and yeah, just the grind and the hustle, and got the pleasure, the opportunity to get with the family business, which is now not just a BET plus show, but we've also had our first four seasons be put on Netflix, which has made the show even bigger, and so I'm just, I'm super grateful. I play Rio Duncan. He's one of the twins causing havoc on the show and it's just, it's a dream come true.

Speaker 1:

I'm blessed to be with such a heavy hitter cast, and we just have fun.

Speaker 2:

So playing with Rio Duncan on the hit TV show the family business I'm an avid watcher of. I've been watching this in season one as long with my wife we watch it, so we definitely in tune to what's going on. And I knew, I know that I took a little hiatus because of the pandemic and everything. So we we was anxious sitting on our seat waiting. When is the next episode coming?

Speaker 1:

You know what we have the best fans, because you know we've we've really gone through it from, you know, surviving a pandemic to then filming seasons two, three and four in the pandemic. On top of then, we were, we were, you know, on a writer's strike last year and then the SAG strike that took us out for four months, but we're still back, and so we, we. I feel like we're like the little engine that could. We keep coming and y'all keep supporting every time we come out, and so we really appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

Well, you got a very huge fan base here in Memphis Tennessee.

Speaker 1:

I love it. I was just there. Shout out to Gary.

Speaker 2:

You was back here in October and you received the Stump iconic award or something like that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, best supported cast member. Listen, memphis. I love y'all. I had so much fun. I'm ready to go back. So you know, let's, let's figure this out so we can be in person.

Speaker 2:

We might want to come back when it's a little warmer, though, oh yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We we're going to wait till it's a little warmer. I don't like the cold. I'm not going to lie, yeah.

Speaker 2:

You received the award to stop uh, sit in icon award. How was that here? You received your hand. It was a blessing.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I think you know I was just asked to just, you know, be in the presence for the award show. You know, shout outs to my castmates, darren Henson and Lisa Ray, who were hosting it and asked me to come. I had no idea I was going to be giving an award, so, and that's my first award, so, and that's my first award, so you know, I'm looking at the E got one day, but I'm like, listen, I'm going to put a pat on my back for getting my first award and in Memphis, and so that's, that's a um a memory that I'll always cherish. For sure it felt great.

Speaker 2:

That's great. Look another question Uh, working with the cast on the family business. I mean you working with some legendary people that I myself have grown up to watch and to uh their career just explode with Lisa Ray, Uh, one of my favorite, Bernadette stands from good times, who I literally grow grow to watching them. Right, that's how far I'm back, Maybe telling my age. It's okay. That's okay, but that's that's the area that we grew up in. So, working with all those type of uh actors and actors, how was you, how did you feel, on on the set, being around them?

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness, I mean, like you, I watched these, you know legends, growing up too. So I remember when we shot the pilot I was a little nervous, but I was definitely very excited and I feel like everyone kind of just embraced me. You know, this is my first series regular, this is my first TV show. So to come in and feel so accepted from all these people that have been in the the industry for 10, 20, 30 plus years, it felt really good. I felt very much protected and since then I can call everyone a friend on and off screen, and so I just it's like a masterclass coming to work. I get to. You know, we're not one of those sets where we just, you know, I do my thing and I go to my trailer, like I'll sit there and I, if I'm on set that same day, I'll watch, you know, valerie, or like Ernie, you know, or Clifton, or Miguel, like I. Just I watched them and I and I learned so much from them, so it's been great.

Speaker 2:

So they've been definitely been giving you the support that you need, being that this is your first TV show, and absolutely and acting around them. So I know you learned up. I know you just soaked up so much.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, I'm a sponge, I'm sunken it all up, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Hey, that's just gonna only make you even greater. So tell us a little bit about when. When is season five release? Has it been released yet?

Speaker 1:

We don't have a release date yet. We are finishing up, and so I don't want to put a false date out there. But later this year, later this year, season five will probably come out. So when we do have the release date, I'm gonna definitely put it on all my socials, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Great, great, great. Hey, hold time. We'll take a quick break and we're gonna come back and talk a little bit more, okay.

Speaker 1:

Sounds good. You're listening to Spit, to the Beat Podcast with your host, the one, the only Stacey B, unstoppable Per Year.

Speaker 2:

Hey, this is Stacey AKA Beat, unstoppable Per Year with Spit to the Beat Podcast. Would you like to be my guest? If you're a singer, songwriter, musician, producer or promoter, give me a call at 901-341-6777 or email me at myguestsatspittoothebeatcom and we're back to Spit to the Beat Podcast. I'm your host, stacey AKA Beat, unstoppable Per Year, and join me in the virtual studio. It's Eretton Foster. From he's where he living right now, temporarily in LA, but he resides in Atlanta, correct?

Speaker 1:

Yes, I do Good good.

Speaker 2:

Hey, one of your iconic. You have talked about it so much. I'm sure you have the hair that you portray on the family business. All the different styles. It was like you was coming back with one every week. How was that?

Speaker 1:

process man. So y'all getting just the natural right now. So Carl Weber had an amazing book series that this show is based off of, and so, going into it, I knew the character of Rio. He was different. He had like all the flamboyant clothing and just a different personality than, I think, some of the other family members in the show, and so it was actually just a.

Speaker 1:

I think Carl came to me one day before we shot the part. I was like we need to like do something like maybe like change his hair color, something like that. He was like would you be open to doing that? And I was like, yeah, why not, let's do it. And it kind of just stuck and it became part of who Rio is as a character, and so now it's like the fans love it, like they're just wanting to know what color they're gonna get next, cause I don't feel like it was ever. We had like Cisco and Dennis Robin, but we never had like so many different colors on a black TV show, and so I'm just grateful that I've been able to shout out to the hair and the glam squad. We've just been able to do some amazing colors and still recycling the favorites that people like, but then also coming up with new stuff, and so it's really cool. It's exciting. I would never do it in real life, but it's fun to play, and then I can just wash it out at the end of the day.

Speaker 2:

I mean man, yeah, you was coming with those colors. Everybody like, oh, we couldn't wait till next week, till next week, next week you was.

Speaker 1:

Every scene. You never know what you gonna see.

Speaker 2:

Hey, you playing your character role. How did you come about being Rio Duncan? How did that process? I know you said you talked to Carl about a role, but how did you felt going into that role?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean you know before that. You know I just had a heavy theater career and coming to LA I pretty much had to start at ground zero. You know, I think that I, like most other actors coming here, you know you do the background, you go to class, you get the headshots, you get hundreds and thousands of no's and rejections. You know having side hustle jobs. You know I used to valet at a hotel for years and I think that you know it's God's timing just being at the right place at the right time. I ended up networking, and I used to. I don't tell this story often, but I was actually at this spot called Zen Lounge in.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

City and that was Tisha Campbell and Dwayne Martin's old club, and so I went there, you know, just out and about, and I ended up being introduced to Trey Haley, the director of the show, through a friend of mine and we just chopped it up, had a good conversation and I didn't think anything of it. But you know timing and everything just allowed itself for you know him to reach out to me months later. I was like, hey, I think I have a project that I'm working on that I really would love for you to be a part of, and would you come and audition for me? And I said absolutely. So I didn't know that it was gonna turn into five seasons later. Here we are, but I mean, I'm just great for the guy that it happened and you know it was for me. So it worked out.

Speaker 2:

And God's timing at how it works. Definitely, I mean, for most people to go out to California and to look for a film career or a theater career. Is it hard going out to California to making it happen? How was that for you making that major leap?

Speaker 1:

No, it was definitely hard. You know, I'm born and raised on the East Coast. You know, all my family is from Maryland to Massachusetts, to Florida. I got so many people over there I didn't have anybody in California. It was definitely scary at first but I just I just believed in myself and you know, I always tried to stay around positive people and try to emulate, because there's no one right way to get into this business. You kind of just figure it out and. But I'm grateful that I made the move, because I don't think I would be where I am if I didn't take that leap. So I always encourage young actors. You know. If you feel like you're in a small town or whatever and you want to, you know, do this business. You know, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, you know definitely.

Speaker 2:

That was bleeding right into my next question. What would be your advice to give to young inspiring actors and actors who want to get into that industry?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yeah. Make sure that you you know if this is what you really want to do. Take it seriously. You know, I always think class is the most important thing, because you want to know what you're doing.

Speaker 1:

You know, I feel like all the greats come from theater. So if you're just, you know, trying to figure out how do I channel this energy, how do I get started? Theater was my place. It's not for everybody, but if it's for you, you know, to hone in on your skills. Do that and then know who you are, know, know what you, what you, what your morals are, what you will do and what you won't do. Make sure that you have a good foundation, people that are like going to lift you up, because this business can be so difficult and you got to have a tough skin. So, you know, just find a mentor if you can, or see how some people that you may admire, how they kind of navigate it, and try to emulate that, but in your own way, and just never give up. That's, that's, that's the big thing. You just can never give up because you never know what can happen.

Speaker 2:

Right, and, like you said just a minute ago, we know how cutthroat this industry can be and it can really deter people. That's really ambitious, whether you know they're trying to get their foothold into the door and then they just get turned away because one person said one thing or this and that, and having that tough skin. Like you just said, you got to keep fighting, yeah you got to. And you survive five seasons and hopefully more.

Speaker 2:

Hey, on and on, it's a great show, Might I add. It's a great show and I'm constantly watching and thrilled about each scene every week. Is there anything? Is there anything you can tell us a little secret part of what we expect from Rio Duncan in season five? Can you spill a little bit?

Speaker 1:

I can spill a little tea. A little tea. Well, I'll say this I feel like, you know, season four ended with a lot of unanswered questions, and so I feel like season five all will be revealed. There will be a lot of twists and turns and some old faces, some new faces, and I think the fans will be. You know, my Rio Duncan fans will be really happy to know that they're, they're going to see a lot more of me in this season, and I know the fans have been wanting David, david, david. One. I'm listening like I'm not the writer y'all, I just do what I'm told, so, but I appreciate all the love that I see on social media and so I think you guys will enjoy season five. You'll see a lot more Rio, so it's going to be good.

Speaker 2:

Man, I can't wait to get the date, so we'll be in tune and ready to watch it.

Speaker 1:

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 2:

So what can we expect beyond this role? Once you finish up the season, wrap up taping and everything, is there anything else that you already got on the horizon for the year?

Speaker 1:

Not at the moment, you know, but I'm really optimistic and hopeful for the future. You know we. You know we're just coming off a strike in the holidays and so you know auditions are going to ramp up. But my goal is always to do more TV shows and movies and just show the versatility that I can bring to the table. You know that's not real. So that's the goal. Just keep grinding it out and you know there'll be more. You know on top of. You know season six, seven, eight. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

We're going to claim that we're going to claim that.

Speaker 1:

But yeah, definitely more shows. I would love to do a comedy like an Avid Elementary or do like a drama like Power, you know, getting that 50 cent universe, you know. So we'll see. We'll see what's on the horizon, you know.

Speaker 2:

Okay, great, look, whole tight one. Take one more break and I want to come back and ask you do you have anything that you've been maybe working on or writing on or because you inspired about around? But so many great actors and actors so I'm sure something is kicking in your phone. So hold tight for me, all right? Hey, this is Stacy aka be, unstoppable per you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for listening to our show, spit to the beat podcast. If you would like to be a sponsor, visit our website at www. Dot spit to the beat calm and click the support tab and leave a donation. We really will appreciate. Thank you again for listening. Also, catch every episode Thursday morning at 8.

Speaker 2:

And welcome back to spit to the beat podcast. I'm your host, stacy aka be, unstoppable per year, and just like my things. That said, if you'd like to be a guest, let me know. Give me a call at 901. 341 6777. Would love to have you on the show on the podcast. Now back with my special guest, eriton Foster. Hey, from the hit TV show the family business, joining me live in the studio. I hope y'all are tuned in on Facebook and YouTube and you're watching this and you're sharing it, so we can get more information out about this actor who's doing this thing in LA. Hey man, let's look like I left out talking about the possibility of you got something in your soul or in your spirit that you may be even working on outside of the family.

Speaker 1:

Business Is that I don't have anything at the moment. I'm really, you know, I'm willing to collaborate, for sure. I feel like there's a lot more stories that need to be told and I would love to be a part of that. You know, going into 2024, there's so much going on in this, in this climate, and everything that's been going on, and so I just want to tell more stories. You know, I think maybe at some point, you know, when I get there, my career maybe get into directing a little bit. But yeah, just just just focused on, you know, hustling for another show. I think if you see me on the show, go ahead and tweet Netflix or HBO. Max and stars like you need to get him on there.

Speaker 2:

Exactly exactly. I don't think. I think you can definitely get any exposure that you need with the family business and being in the arena of all those actors and actors that you know Hollywood knows about. And now that you are, now that you got your foot in the door and you is there, any way that you will be interested in coaching other actors coming up?

Speaker 1:

People want to listen to me. You know I'm listening. Maybe I'll do a podcast or YouTube or something. You know, because I love giving back and talking to. You know young black and brown kids, especially about you know this industry and everything like that. You know I don't know if I'm fit to be an acting coach, but I can always give my solicit opinion. But you know we'll see what was coming was coming. But I always invite fans and people to. You know, never feel afraid to. If they see me, say hi. You know, if you want to ask me a question, you know my DMs, feel free. You know I'm very, I'll talk to anybody.

Speaker 2:

Cool, cool. Now let's talk quickly about the industry being in it. No, sometimes Hollywood has a way of defining you versus. You know who you are and I think I've seen you on one interview. You talked about it remaining yourself. How do Aronson Foster remain himself in the midst of the industry, not letting it change you?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, I think that well, for me, god is very important. So my spiritual life just making sure I'm prayed up, you know, and always having my family, you know people that have known me, you know before the fame or family business and are always there to like kind of keep me on track, you know, because they'll humble me and remind me real quick who I am. But you know, I always try to think that I stay humble, shout out to my parents, for you know, putting down a great foundation for me and my siblings. But then honestly and you know it's so funny that you mentioned that, stacy I have been going into this new year just way more tapped in. You know, making sure that I'm waking up earlier, meditating, going to the gym, journaling, just doing things that are positive, that feed my soul and my mind and my body, and I feel like that just breeds, you know, that gratitude and that you know I'm here, I'm ready to receive whatever blessings are coming.

Speaker 1:

So I think, for me, just making sure because, like you said, it's hard and it's so easy to compare your journey to other people, you know, especially in this day and age of Instagram and social media, and I believe everybody can win in this business. We, you know, we can all have a piece of a pie. I think when I learn not to compare myself to someone else's journey, that helps shift the focus, for me to be focused and just say you know what, what's for me is for me, what's for them is for them, and my time is coming. And so just reminding myself those things, daily affirmations, every morning, you know, just hyping yourself up because you got to. I think I don't know if y'all watched the Emmys last night, but Nisi Nash who won congrats to Nisi. She had an amazing, amazing speech and it's, we got to.

Speaker 2:

we got to hype ourselves up because no one knows what it, what it takes, but you and I love it and that is so true and I tell a lot of people that I run into you got to encourage yourself. You know the Bible talks about David encouraged himself.

Speaker 2:

So I tell you yeah, because you need your own motivation when no one is speaking in your ear and you need to keep moving forward. So that is, that is great advice that you just share with us. Look, how can people get in contact with, how can they follow you? Where can they find you on social media platforms? Yeah, foster.

Speaker 1:

Um, just, you can follow me on Instagram and Twitter at Arrington Foster. I'm right there. And um, yeah, just stay on the lookout for for more coming.

Speaker 2:

Season six, seven, eight, nine or 10.

Speaker 1:

There you go. Let's get in the syndication. There you go.

Speaker 2:

All right. Look, I want to thank you for being my guest on spirit to the beat podcast. I really do appreciate it and I'm honored by it. Thank you, Miriam, for bringing him on spirit to the beat podcast as well. She's a very, very special. Later that we ran across and she was a guest on my podcast, so I love her so much and thank her for being a part of you know help supporting me. Thank you, man. I wish you well. I wish you great success in 2024. I hope more roles open up for you, More acting shows and TVs and plots and all the great things that may come your way.

Speaker 1:

God save us. Thank you so much and we'll come back and we got more to update.

Speaker 2:

Most definitely, right, cool, hey, hold tight as I close out the show. Thank you All right. Thank you for watching spirit to the beat podcast. I'm your host. They say KB on stopover per year. Join me next week for another live broadcast.

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Stacey Be Unstoppable Puryear